Online! The great thing about having an online business is that I can help women from anywhere right here in Charlotte, NC!
Phone: 704.918.5190
Let's Brainstorm
Your 15 min brainstorm call will be a time where identify your needs to figure the best ways to support you.
It could be as simple as a resource for you to review to referring another professional with expertise in that area. Either way, my goal is to get you started on your self-development journey!
Click HERE to book your 15 min brainstorm call with me.
You need a strategy
Get ready for breakthrough! Your WIFE Strategy call is one set up for just that. This hour long session, is an intro, not only into what coaching is like with me, but more for you to get clear strategy to dealing with challenges being faced in your marriage or relationships. Leave with a plan of attack to reach your marriage goals!
Click HERE to book your WIFE Strategy session!
Join The WIFE Way
We call could us a little support and encouragement, right? What better group to get it from than a group of women walking in the same authority you are...WIFE! If you're looking to become a wife one day, this group can help prepare you for what is to come for you journey. We've all said, "I wish someone would've told me!" We got you girl!
Click HERE to join a loving, no judgement zone of a community full of women like you!